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Day 2: A Sustainable World

Celebrating Biology Week 2016

Natural resources, such as fossil fuel reserves and land available for agriculture are limited. In response to declining fossil fuel reserves, the use of biofuels is increasingly being explored.

Most biofuel is produced by fermentation of sugar cane, maize, soy and rapeseed, instigating the ‘food versus fuel’ debate - these crops could be used for food or the land used for biofuel feedstocks will not then be available for agriculture. Therefore, next-generation biofuels, such as algae, cyanobacteria and lignocellulosic feedstocks, that don’t need arable land, are being developed and have the potential to replace the hydrocarbon products of fossil fuels.

Today, we present a selection of our top articles on sustainability research and offer an expert opinion on the the-food-versus-biofuels-debate.

The Food vs. Fuel Debate

Food, feed or biofuels -- how is biofuel production impacting our food supply and what does the future look like?  Read this fascinating interview with one of our leading experts in the field.

Blog Posts

"Biodiesel fuels and sustainability"

Read our blog on how about cutting-edge technologies are being used to create biodiesel from sustainable sources such as plants, algae and other microbes.

Read our Top Sustainability Articles

Read our collection of reviews, editorials and research articles, covering sustainability research.

From Biotechnology for Biofuels

From BMC Plant Biology

From Environmental Sciences Europe (part of Springer Open)

For more sustainability articles, visit our website and access thousands of open access articles!

Biology Week 2016 - A Sustainable World has been curated by Helen Whittaker and Srimathy Sriskantharajah.