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Concussion and head injuries in sports

Guest Editors:
Ed Daly, PhD, Atlantic Technological University, Ireland
Shawn R. Eagle, PhD, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Lisa Ryan. PhD, Atlantic Technological University, Ireland

BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation is pleased to announce a new Collection titled, Concussion and head injuries in sports. We aim to bring together researchers, clinicians, and practitioners working in this area to share their latest findings, discuss emerging trends and explore new directions for research on this important issue.

New Content ItemThis Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 3: Good Health & Wellbeing.

Meet the Guest Editors

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Ed Daly: Atlantic Technological University, Ireland

Dr Ed Daly is an academic and research scientist specializing in concussion physiology, concussion education, objective concussion identification and post-concussion management. His primary research focuses on developing objective mTBI/concussion assessment tools, examining injury risk using workload models and recovery modalities via workload management and nutritional interventions.

He is a founding member of the Irish Concussion Research Centre, and he collaborates with an international network of academic, medical and sports organizations. Dr Daly is also a highly experienced coaching professional with a demonstrated history in professional sport with over ten years’ experience as a professional coach in Munster Rugby / IRFU.

Shawn R. Eagle: University of Pittsburgh, USA

Dr Shawn R. Eagle began focusing on traumatic brain injury during his doctoral studies at the University of Pittsburgh’s Neuromuscular Research Laboratory. He continued his studies as a postdoctoral fellow in the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Sports Medicine Concussion Clinic. His current research focuses on mitigating risk for long-term sequelae following traumatic brain injury, with a specific focus on mental health issues.

Dr Eagle has published 110 papers in refereed journals and presented his research at local, national, and international scientific conferences. He is an ad-hoc reviewer for 40 peer-reviewed journals.

Lisa Ryan: Atlantic Technological University, Ireland

Dr Lisa Ryan works as Head of the School of Science and Computing at Atlantic Technological University.  Prior to her appointment at Monash University, Lisa was at Oxford Brookes University in the UK where she was Operations Director of the 1st UK research center dedicated to Functional Foods.

Her research interests span across sport, food entrepreneurship and nutrition. She is widely published in the area of concussion, nutrition and metabolism, phytochemicals, and functional foods. Outside of her formal academic role has worked as a sport nutritionist for a variety of teams and individuals. 

Lisa is co-founder of the Irish Concussion Research Centre and an active member of the Progressive Rugby group. Lisa has also been responsible for developing the new Medicinal Nutrition and Sport theme of the MET Gateway at ATU Galway. Current areas of research include female rugby players, functional foods, metabolic health, food entrepreneurship and the area of concussion management, education and awareness in sport.

About the Collection

BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation is pleased to announce a new Collection titled, Concussion and head injuries in sports. Concussions are a common occurrence in many sports, and they can have serious consequences for athletes, including long-term cognitive impairment, and other health issues. This Collection aims to bring together researchers, clinicians, and practitioners working in this area to share their latest findings, discuss emerging trends and explore new directions for research.

We invite original research related to concussion and head injuries in sports. Potential topics for submission include, but are not limited to:

  • Epidemiology and incidence of concussion in various sports
  • Mechanisms of injury and biomechanical factors contributing to concussion risk
  • Assessment and diagnosis of concussion, including novel biomarkers and imaging techniques
  • Management and treatment of concussion, including rehabilitation strategies
  • Long-term consequences of concussion and head injuries in athletes
  • Prevention and risk reduction strategies for concussion in sports

We welcome contributions from a broad range of disciplines, including sports medicine, neurology, and psychology. Submissions should present new insights or advancements in the field.

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    Authors: Daniel Garnett, Saul Cobbing, Carel Viljoen and Jon Patricios
    Citation: BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation 2024 16:139
  2. Athletes interpret dynamic visual scenes quickly and accurately during physical exertion. It is important to understand how increased exertion may impact vision and cognition following sport-related concussion...

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  3. Researchers have highlighted the importance of early access to concussion care within one week of injury in reducing recovery times. However, a persisting question for concussion researchers is “just how early...

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Submission Guidelines

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This Collection welcomes submission of original Research Articles. Should you wish to submit a different article type, please read our submission guidelines to confirm that type is accepted by the journal. Articles for this Collection should be submitted via our submission system, Snapp. During the submission process you will be asked whether you are submitting to a Collection, please select "Concussion and head injuries in sports" from the dropdown menu.

Articles will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process and are subject to all of the journal’s standard policies. Articles will be added to the Collection as they are published.

The Editors have no competing interests with the submissions which they handle through the peer review process. The peer review of any submissions for which the Editors have competing interests is handled by another Editorial Board Member who has no competing interests.