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Call for papers - Decellularized organs and renal engineering

Guest Editors
Peter Corridon, PhD, MEng, Khalifa University, UAE
Abdol-Mohammad Kajbafzadeh, MD, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Submission Status: Open   |   Submission Deadline: 14 February 2025

BMC Nephrology seeks innovative research on decellularized organs and renal engineering, focusing on the development of bioengineered kidneys and renal tissues for transplantation and regenerative medicine. We invite researchers to contribute their work on decellularized kidney scaffolds, renal tissue engineering, bioprinting for kidney regeneration, patient-derived cells in renal bioengineering, and experimental models for renal engineering, with the aim of advancing the field of nephrology and addressing the unmet needs in kidney transplantation and renal replacement therapies.

New Content ItemThis Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing.

Meet the Guest Editors

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Peter Corridon, PhD, MEng, Khalifa University, UAE

Dr Peter Corridon is a founding faculty member of the College of Medicine and Health Sciences and has served as the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, and the Director of the Pre-Medicine Bridge Program at Khalifa University. 

As a member of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, he actively engages in whole organ and tissue decellularization/recellularization technologies supporting long-term transplantation. He has developed several in vivo and in vitro models in large and small animals.

He is interested in devising novel sustainable tissue engineering approaches that offer multiple scientific and environmental benefits, including reducing global waste and the number of animals used for research while enhancing resource utilization, cost efficiency, and the availability of tissues and organs for study.

Abdol-Mohammad Kajbafzadeh, MD, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Dr Abdol-Mohammad Kajbafzadeh leads the Pediatric Urology and Regenerative Medicine Research Center, focusing on tissue engineering and stem cell therapies. With a broad research spectrum covering genitourinary cancer, nephrology, urology, regenerative medicine, he boasts an impressive publication record and has contributed significant advancements in clinical and surgical methodologies for over 40 types of tissues.

Dr Kajbafzadeh's innovative work over 28 years, particularly in stem cell therapy and tissue engineering, has led to groundbreaking treatments like the recellularization of human-sized kidneys and pioneering heart tissue repair. His center's accomplishments, including the first cell therapy for urinary incontinence and renal damage repair with autologous cells, have been recognized globally, influencing the entire field from the laboratory to clinical practice, and featured in international journals. His expertise epitomizes the translation of intricate research into practical solutions, enhancing our grasp of disease mechanisms and treatment paradigms.

About the Collection

BMC Nephrology invites submissions to our Collection on Decellularized organs and renal engineering. 

Decellularized organs and renal engineering represent a cutting-edge area of research with the potential to revolutionize the field of nephrology. Decellularization involves the removal of cellular components from organs, leaving behind the extracellular matrix, which can then be repopulated with patient-derived cells to create functional tissues. This approach holds promise for developing bioengineered kidneys and renal tissues for transplantation and regenerative medicine.

Advancing research on decellularized organs and renal engineering is crucial for addressing the growing demand for kidney transplants and alternative renal replacement therapies. Recent studies demonstrate the successful generation of decellularized kidney scaffolds and their repopulation with patient-derived cells, leading to the development of functional renal tissues in experimental models. Moreover, innovative techniques such as bioprinting and cell-based tissue engineering have shown potential for creating complex renal structures.

Looking ahead, ongoing research in this area may lead to significant breakthroughs in kidney regeneration and bioengineering. Potential advances include the refinement of decellularization techniques, the development of novel biomaterials for renal engineering, and the translation of experimental models to clinical applications, ultimately offering new therapeutic options for patients with renal diseases.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Decellularized kidney scaffolds
  • Renal tissue engineering
  • Bioprinting for kidney regeneration
  • Patient-derived cells in renal bioengineering
  • Experimental models for renal engineering
  • Microfluidic platforms for kidney-on-a-chip models
  • Biomimetic renal tubule constructs for in vitro drug testing
  • Immunomodulatory strategies in renal tissue engineering
  • 3D bioprinting of vascularized renal tissues
  • Bioinformatics and computational modeling in renal bioengineering

This Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing.

Image credit: © mi-viri / Getty Images / iStock

There are currently no articles in this collection.

Submission Guidelines

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This Collection welcomes submission of original Research Articles. Should you wish to submit a different article type, please read our submission guidelines to confirm that type is accepted by the journal. Articles for this Collection should be submitted via our submission system, Snapp. During the submission process you will be asked whether you are submitting to a Collection, please select "Decellularized organs and renal engineering" from the dropdown menu.

Articles will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process and are subject to all of the journal’s standard policies. Articles will be added to the Collection as they are published.

The Editors have no competing interests with the submissions which they handle through the peer review process. The peer review of any submissions for which the Editors have competing interests is handled by another Editorial Board Member who has no competing interests.