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Mice, women and men: species and sex differences in the role of the thymus in immunosenescence

Topical Collection for Immunity & Ageing: Mice, women and men: species and sex differences in the role of the thymus in immunosenescence 

Guest Edited by:
Donald B. Palmer, PhD, Royal Veterinary College, United Kingdom

Donald B. Palmer is Associate Professor of Immunology in the department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences at the Royal Veterinary College, University of London. His research interests are centered around immunosenescence, particularly with regards to age-associated thymic involution.

The thymus is critical for the development and generation of self-restricted and immunocompetent self-tolerant T cells. The thymus undergoes age-related reduction in size and activity (age-associated thymic involution) which leads to a reduction of T cell output and possibly contributes to the clinical features of immunosenescence. Despite the evidence that age-associated thymic involution appears to occur in almost all vertebrates, the mechanisms underlying this process are still not comprehensively known.

This Topical Collection accordingly aims to solicit papers on any aspect of age-associated thymic involution and how this impacts the ageing immune system in humans and mice, along with other species. The focus of the Collection will be sex- and species-specific differences regarding the role of thymic involution in immune senescence. Reviews, original articles, commentaries, hypotheses and opinion pieces are all very welcome. 

This Collection welcomes submission of Research Articles, Data Notes, Case Reports, Study Protocols, and Database Articles. Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have read our submission guidelines. Articles for this Collection should be submitted via our submission system, Snapp. During the submission process you will be asked whether you are submitting to a Collection, please select "Mice, women and men: species and sex differences in the role of the thymus in immunosenescence" from the dropdown menu.

Articles will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process and are subject to all of the journal’s standard policies. Articles will be added to the Collection as they are published.

  1. Fatty degeneration of thymus (or thymus involution) has long been considered a normal ageing process. However, there is emerging evidence that thymic involution is linked to T cell aging, chronic inflammation ...

    Authors: Mårten Sandstedt, Rosanna W S Chung, Camilla Skoglund, Anna K. Lundberg, Carl Johan Östgren, Jan Ernerudh and Lena Jonasson
    Citation: Immunity & Ageing 2023 20:45